Carlsbad — The Shoppes
Hello, My Skyler.

I’m at the mall where we always used to go. Thinking of you, of course. About how you would wait for me outside, untethered. Just soaking up the sun and watching the clouds float by. I knew you were never going to leave me.
Just like I knew from the first moment I saw you at the shelter that you were meant to be mine. You were so sad, having been brought in off the streets and being bullied by your brother. When they took you out of your kennel, you ran to me and put your head in my lap. And that was it, the beginning of everything.

I wanted a dog that I could have around people. One that was social and had a good temperament. You were all that and more. Patient, gentle, and kind, you were the BEST dog ever. You followed me everywhere, including to visit my hospice patients. Together, we wrote the book on what it means to be inseparable.
Although this backfired the night you brought the possum into the house, haha.

From hugging me so hard that you left a bruise in the shape of your paw on my arm, to sleeping with your back pressed against mine, you made it very clear that I was your person.
And you were my protector. My soul dog. And now, my Diamond.
After you passed, I couldn’t fathom the thought of not having you with me. But, since I couldn’t have you anymore, I wanted the next best thing. Something tangible that I could touch. I worked with Eterneva to grow a colorless round Diamond made from your ashes. It’s gorgeous and one-of-a-kind. Just like you.

You are still so loved, Skyler. And I am filled with gratitude for the nine years we shared together.
Love always and forever,