“I don’t know if there’s one standout moment of Sawyer’s life. I feel like her whole life, every day, was a standout moment.” - Paige Chernick, @puppynamedcharlie

A Diamond in the Ruff

“When I started the social media accounts, I never had the intention of her becoming famous. I was just posting cute stuff and people were liking it. Then she started getting featured by BarkBox and BuzzFeed, and that’s when we really got some traction.” 

In 2012, Paige Chernick started an Instagram account purely for the purpose of sharing photos of her adorable puppy, Charlie. She never would have imagined that twelve years later, @puppynamedcharlie would amass over 130k followers on instagram, plus thousands more on other social platforms, all with multiple sponsorship opportunities. 

What began as a personal account of friends and family soon snowballed into something much bigger. While Charlie was undeniably the talent (and she knew it), Paige’s savvy social media background made her realize that she might have something really special here. People resonated with the content she and Charlie were making. The more she posted, the more they engaged.

And then, because two floofy heads are better than one, Charlie got a sister.   

The Legend of #SawyerSaurus

“Sawyer had two sides to her. She was so derpy, silly, goofy; and then she was also quiet, sweet, and a total professional whenever she was on set.” 

Professional poof, sweetheart, derp are just a few words Paige uses to describe her Goldendoodle, Sawyer, who was five months old when Paige adopted her from a rescue organization in California. 

Except she wasn’t a Sawyer then. Not yet. 

“Her name was Cinderella!” laughs Paige. “I couldn’t see it.” Having a penchant for unisex names, Paige chose Sawyer, which at the time was fairly uncommon for a dog, and it fit her new little floof to a ‘T’. 

The nickname #SawyerSaurus soon followed.

“Once I got Sawyer, I started dressing her and Charlie in matching outfits, going on adventures, and putting more effort into video content. That’s when the account really took off,” Paige explains.  

Insta Sistas

“Charlie’s a very strong personality. She’s the sweetest dog, but she’s also assertive and bossy. That was the funny part of their dynamic: little Charlie bossing around big Sawyer.” 

When Sawyer and Charlie took to the gram, the world was in the palm of their paws. Paige believes that the girls’ contrasting personalities was what made people fall in love with them. “I was just filming a lot of what was actually going on,” she shares. “People related to them, like derpy versus bossy. They’d identify as ‘I’m such a Sawyer’ or ‘I’m totally a Charlie.’”

"I’m totally a Charlie. Haha, I’m small and bossy."

Pint-sized Charlie was definitely the alpha of the pair; after all, she was already three years old when Sawyer entered the picture. “She never really got used to her,” laughs Paige. “Even after seven years of being together, she was still like, ‘Okay, are you still being fostered? What’s the deal?’” 

Now that Sawyer’s gone, the girls’ followers definitely miss the dynamic between the two of them. The games of fetch and tug-of-war in the park every morning. Their matching outfits. And perhaps most of all, they miss Sawyer, herself, particularly how sweet she was and how she got along with everyone. 

A Grieving Community

“They say there are two ways that you deal with grief and loss: to be completely closed off and shut down and the other is to distract yourself and keep yourself as busy as possible. I couldn’t just sit around and cry.” 

Sawyer was just seven years old when she passed away. Paige shared the news in a heartbreaking post that garnered nearly 2,000 comments of people sharing in her grief. 

 An update I never thought I would have to write. I’m devastated to share that my sweet baby Sawyer has passed away. 💔
Sawyer had been very, very sick over the last month, and her doctors were not able to get to the bottom of what was actually causing her to decline. She was scheduled to have surgery this week to try to give more answers, and hopefully an official diagnosis/treatment plan, but she just could not fight any longer.
In her last days, all of the beautiful things that made Sawyer Sawyer started to fade away, so I documented whatever I could. Every tail wag, every kiss, every cuddle, every smile, every derpy head tilt. I was so hopeful that she was going to have this surgery and start to get better, but unfortunately she never got that chance.
Sawyer was already an angel on earth, so I can only imagine what awaits her in heaven. Everyone loved her. No dog will ever be as sweet, gentle, loving, floofy, or derpy as she was. The impact she had on the world and everyone in her life will never be forgotten. My heart is in so much pain but I’m finding peace in the fact that her pain is now gone. Charlie and I will love you forever Sawyer. Rest in peace my girl. #SawyerSaurus 💔

Losing Sawyer was the first time that Paige experienced losing a pet as an adult. Navigating life without Sawyer was “a big (and weird) adjustment,” as she documented in a follow-up post. As a way to be active in their grief, she and Charlie do things every day to honor Sawyer’s memory and legacy. 

Keeping Sawyer’s Legacy Alive

Sawyer’s legacy is bringing smiles to people all over the world. She did that her entire life and I believe she continues to do that. She was the most joyful dog.” 

Sawyer’s legacy was one of kindness, joy, and paying it forward. Several weeks after her sweet girl crossed the rainbow bridge, Paige hosted a closet sale on Poshmark of Sawyer’s things, to include fancy sweaters, coats, costumes, toys, and more. She made nearly $3,000, all of which she donated in Sawyer’s name to Animal Haven, her local non-profit animal rescue shelter.

Sawyer’s fans and loved ones have also taken it upon themselves to keep her legacy burning bright, even naming a star in the sky for her. She also has a gold bone engraved with “#SawyerSaurus” on the Tree of Life in the Carl Schurz Park Conservancy Dog Run. 

“I know that Charlie misses Sawyer. She lays in Sawyer’s bed all the time, even though Charlie never did that before.” 

While determined to do as many things in Sawyer’s name as possible, one of the most exciting steps that she’s taken to honor Sawyer’s legacy is to grow an Eterneva Diamond from her ashes. 

A Healing Experience

“I started the Diamond Journey right away to help me through my grief. It was helpful to put my energy into something meaningful.”

Creating a memorial diamond from Sawyer’s ashes was something that Paige had planned on doing years in advance. “I just thought, when the time does come, hopefully never, this is something I would like to do because I would wear it every single day.”   

But she didn’t always know that creating a memorial diamond was an option, citing she first learned about it on an episode of Keeping up with the Kardashians. The second time she encountered the concept of creating diamonds from pet ashes was with her friend Dorie, who lost her dog, Chloe (@the_kardoggians). 

“At first, I thought it was some crazy thing that the Kardashians were doing,” she shares. “Something that was expensive and unattainable. But after Sawyer passed, Dorie was consoling me and she shared about her experience with Eterneva and I realized that this was real. And it was special. And it was something I wanted to do.” 

Paige connected with Eterneva and received her Welcome Kit. Then, she securely shipped ½ cup of Sawyer’s ashes to the Austin, TX-based company to begin her Diamond Journey. 

“Eterenva has not only helped me through my grief, they’ve cherished her and taken such good care of her. They check in with you on a regular basis and ask about how you’re doing. I didn’t realize how personal the journey would actually be and that we’d be in this much communication with each other. That’s been the best part of the whole experience, honestly.”   

Sawyer’s Diamond

“Her Diamond is even more beautiful than I thought it would be. It’s so, so perfect. It’s her.” 

The details of Sawyer’s Diamond have been under wraps throughout the entire journey, all the way up until the emotional Homecoming when the precious stone was hand-delivered on January 30, the one-year anniversary of her passing.

“Sawyer had a white heart on her chest,” shares Paige. “It looked like something a Care Bear would have. So I had to do a heart for her.” 

“A white heart has a sentiment to me. When I see Sawyer it’s love. She was the most loving dog. It’s perfectly suitable that she would have a heart-shaped Diamond.”

Setting the Stone

"Can’t even describe what I am feeling right now. So many emotions. I couldn’t have imagined the diamond and the ring turning out this beautiful. I’ll be wearing my Sawyer girl (and Charlie) on my hand forever, taking them wherever I go. First stop was Central Park, their favorite place."

While the Diamond is meant to celebrate Sawyer’s life, it’s also a celebration of her life with Charlie. In fact, there’s even a bit of Charlie’s hair inside the Diamond.

Shortly after receiving Sawyer's Diamond, Paige brought it to her jeweler, Profusion, Inc. in New York, to craft a one-of-a-kind custom ring. Set alongside a sapphire, the finished piece honors both of her best girls.

"I chose to set my Eterneva Diamond in a ring, telling a story of the circle of life," shares Paige. "The sapphire, both Charlie and Sawyer’s birthstone, begins their epic story. The ring symbolizes the wonderful golden life they led together. The Diamond, made from Sawyer’s ashes and Charlie’s floof, symbolizes how both of these girls will have my heart forever. It also stands for the heart that was worn proudly on Sawyer’s chest."

Paying It Forward 

“I saw the work that Animal Haven was doing and I fell in love with the people who work there. It’s nice to see what’s actually happening with donations and the time and money that’s raised throughout the year and at their annual gala. I always knew this was a shelter I wanted to partner with.” 

Serving the New York City Tri-State area since 1967, Animal Haven is committed to enriching the lives of homeless cats and dogs. Every animal they rescue stays in their care for as long as it takes to find their forever home.


Paige is an avid volunteer on her own and through her work, PRIDE+GROOM . “We volunteer at Animal Haven a lot,” she shares about the luxury dog shampoo company. “We’ll go to the shelter and give dogs baths so they’re all spiffy to be adopted.” 

With Sawyer having been a rescue doodle (and Charlie also being a rescue herself), Paige couldn’t think of a more perfect way of living out her legacy than to help other animals in need. 

“I had always donated clothing and treats to Animal Haven in the past, but when I started working for PRIDE+GROOM in 2022, I realized my boss was one of their board members. I became even closer to the cause because she was so close to the cause.”

Inspired by Paige’s volunteer efforts and the rescue shelter’s mission, Eterneva will donate 25% of all Welcome Kit sales purchased with code “SAWYER25” to Animal Haven

Begin Your Diamond Journey

Creating an Eterneva Diamond is a remarkable, everlasting tribute that honors your once-in-a-lifetime pet. Your constant companion through college and career changes. Your confidante through tragedy, triumph, and heartbreak. Your steadfast friend, who loved you completely and unconditionally. 

The Welcome Kit includes everything you need to begin creating a beautiful memorial diamond for your loved one. Order your Welcome Kit to begin an incredible journey.